動画 A Western Drama 動画

A Western Drama

42 利用者 -

TriBit Studio

pc osx ダウンロード ダウンロード
"A Western Drama" is the first spaghetti-western arcade audiogame. It has no graphics and uses binaural audio, so it’s totally accessible for blind and visually impaired people. You will play as Wade, a young bounty hunter who travels the frontier with Drake, his ruthless master, and discover how hostile the old american frontier can be...
#audiogame #spaghettiwestern
A Western Drama
A Western Drama
コメント数 3
フォーマットに関してのヘルプ フォーマットに関してのヘルプ 380
wearevenom (レベル 12) 2021-03-14
can It be played also by a blind kid?
Frezz (レベル 9) 2021-02-04
You can use Clubhouse to promote it XD
lucyinthespace (レベル 15) 2020-11-21
The idea behind an audio game is amazing and original! I will try it!
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