玩 A Landlord's Dream

A Landlord's Dream

449 玩家 -

LostTrainDude 已验证

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PEGI Top 50 Over 250 downloads Over 25 Subscribers Over 25 rates
A short #cyberpunk point and click adventure game. A tale of faulty technology and good neighbourship
A Landlord's Dream
A Landlord's Dream
A Landlord's Dream
评论 19
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baskerville (等级 3) 2020-10-25
Charming art style, weak on puzzle side and world building
indiexpo Interviews (等级 3) 2018-10-04
6 Questions for... Christopher Sacchi

YouTube Gameplay
Reofloor (等级 10) 2018-07-10
we need more games like this!
Michelle (等级 9) 2018-03-15
are you working on a sequel?
Luis (等级 17) 2018-01-21
the dialogues are veeeeeeeeeery long. and this is a little bit booring. It's very hard to follow all the plot. The stages are very nice with very good sprites, even if there are few animations. and several times the game looks very "static". I watched also your other games, the style used here is the best, but I prefered the puzzles in a night that w. e.
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