Robbery Inc. Robbery Inc. Wabi
ผู้เล่น: 259

Pc white ดาวน์โหลดเกม (19.3 เมกะไบต์)
Pc white ดาวน์โหลดเกม (19.3 เมกะไบต์)

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EncoForge (เลเวล 7) 2017-04-12
Nice i completed it,but i expected it had more longevity,the only thing i didn't like was the character,but it's subjective.I suggest the next time u create a similar game,to add enemies like guards or other robbers that can help u for example on jumping a wall,it would be also cool to have a sort of weapon like a crowbar to open bonus chest scattered on the map,or to destroy some obstacles.
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