Abstract Arena Abstract Arena Credici
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Abstract_Arena_Greenlight_DEMO_2.exe (11.9MB)
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Abstract_Arena_Greenlight_DEMO_2.exe (11.9MB)

ニュース 12 Feed Rss Abstract Arena

A brand new Abstract Arena demo has just been released today: https://www.indiexpo.net/download/3138
Thank you for your interest :)

Scoprite di piú su Abstract Arena ed il team che ci sta dietro, in questo topic su GameLoop: https://forum.gameloop.it/d/310-abstract-arena-il-nostro-primo-gioco-su-greenlight

Our Kickstarter campaign has just been launched! Please support us to get your rewards: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1233901290/abstract-arena

Today Abstract Arena has join Greenlight Goodbye Bundle! You can buy a Steam activation key for just $2 - The offer is limited! https://groupees.com/goodbye
Don't forget to vote for us on Steam Greenlight:

Today the "Greenlight Launch" trailer of Abstract Arena has been released:
YouTube Gameplay Download now the latest demo from Indiexpo to try yourself our game :)

If you would like to play the latest version of the game, you can play it here: abstract-arena
In the demonstration, you will participate in the closest version of the game to the full Steam release!

We have established Abstract Arena on Greenlight earlier today. We have made the decision to approach Steam because we consider Steam the most creditable game distributer on the internet. We are putting it on their now as we want to give our game a chance on Greenlight before Steam Direct comes along, so we would really appreciate it if you could vote for us:

We at Credici have completed the latest of version of our game: Abstract Arena. This brand new update will include bug fixes and graphic polishing, 3 new dynamic maps (16 in total), 1 new battle track (4 in total) and a countdown at the very beginning of every match. Our two main additions are 6 new power ups (12 in total) and 2 new modes: Leech and Holder. If you would like to play the latest version then check out our Indiexpo page for the latest download!

Today an adapted version for web browsers of Abstract Arena has been released in exlusive on Indiexpo. The main peculiarity and novelties are represented by the use of Indiepad: a smartphone application developed by Indiexpo which allows you to use your device as it was a controller. In virtue of the collaboration with the portal, this application can show off a skin completely dedicated to Abstract Arena! Enjoy the game and share your experience with the newest Twitter share button :)

Strap in securely, ladies and gentlemen, doors to manual and cross check... Abstract Arena update v1.007 is here! We’ve got a number of changes for you, so sit back and enjoy the ride. Just make sure you watch out for that sneaky Purple ship.
Stay tuned for future updates where glorious things will be added, such as an online multiplayer mode for Arena, a gripping Story mode for all you singleplayer fans, as well as a variety of extras.
In the meantime, please download v1.007 and tell us what you think! Over and out.

Today at 21:30 (GMT+1) Geko will stream Abstract Arena for the first time: https://www.twitch.tv/gekolive

Vernacular Gaming is a blog run by Alex, a young gamer who enthusiastically and irony loves to tell about his experiences with the games he plays. Recently he got his hands on the latest version of the game (v1.006) and he wrote what he liked in this article: http://vernaculargaming.blogspot.it/2016/10/abstract-arena-demo.html
Team Credici invites you to follow Vernacular Gaming and his social profiles!

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