Play The Fall(en)

The Fall(en)

422 بازیکن ها - 1 دنبال کننده ها دنبال کننده ها
Published on: 2011/07/09



Suicide, a topic many deem insurmountable and even more consider the act a possibility. But now, why? Why do you commit suicide? Is it out of some self-prescribed dilemma or is it out of a lack of acceptance of your situation or life you have been given? Well, The Fall(en) doesn't promise to have answers, maybe.
زبان: English  
The Fall(en)
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vinstriano (مرحله 10) 2019-06-22
i dont know how play
EncoForge (مرحله 7) 2017-04-18
WTF???All the writings in this game are invisible and buggy
and the game lasts 5 minute with the character that make a suicide
there isn't gameplay at all :O
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