Megabot was created in a resolution of 320x240. The game runs in a forced screen resolution mode so that it will look the same size on any monitor no matter what the resolution is. There are several reasons for this smaller than normal size.
So there you have it. I thought I would just clarify this since it is one of the most common questions people ask. Besides, smaller screens are better for the eyes anyways. Why do you think videogames are recommended to be played on the smallest television possible? The way I see it, the Gameboy Advance has a smaller resolution than Megabot. So if millions of people can handle that then Megabot shouldn't be a problem.
SPECIFICATIONSMegabot was created on a Hewlett Packard PC running the Windows XP operating system:
. Pentium III
. 600 MHz
. 256 MB of RAM
. DirectX 8.1
The game runs perfectly smooth. It should run equally well on a PC with these specs:
. Pentium II
. 500 Mhz
. 128 MB of RAM
. DirectX 7.0
And it should run reasonably well on a PC with these specs:
. Pentium II
. 400 Mhz
. 64 MB of RAM
. DirectX 6.0
The game is (18.1 MB) in total size and (4.4 MB) compressed. The game should run correctly on Windows 97/98/XP/NT.
OTHER THINGS TO NOTEMegabot runs in "exclusive graphics mode" which means it cannot be minimized. If you wish to access windows while Megabot is running, you have to press the "windows key". Depending on the system, Megabot may or may not work properly afterwards. I have tested going back and forth to windows while running the game and it seemed fine. But it all depends on the system.
The music contained in Megabot is all in MIDI format. MIDI songs only sound as good as the computer's ability to play certain instruments and notes. Some PCs have good MIDI support some don't. In any case, I have tested it on both ends of the spectrum, and the music is still pretty good. If you don't like it, turn it off with the "-" key on the numeric keyboard.
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