Video A Matter Of Light Video

A Matter Of Light

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A Matter Of Light is the story of a young man separated from his friends in the ruins of a big city. With the help of a robot head able to shoot physical laser beams, he will try to make himself a way through the ruins to find his friends.
This game is a demo version of a larger scale game, winner of the Unity 2D Challenge:
زبان: English
A Matter Of Light
A Matter Of Light
A Matter Of Light
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wearevenom (مرحله 12) 2021-06-17
I loved your games! Are you working on new games? is the team still active?
TenTen92 (مرحله 10) 2019-04-16
not your best game, but now. My favourites are still three house quest and the game with the dinosour. :)
Whatif (مرحله 11) 2019-04-16
Completed. Will you add new areas? It's not so long
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