Video Craft a Raft Video

Craft a Raft

347 Jugadores -


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Craft_a_Raft.exe (3 MB)
PEGI Over 250 downloads
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Publicado el: 24/04/2016



Play as a cute little noob that lost in the middle of the sea because he ran away from his mother
and now have to navigate his way throug the harsh sea on a raft that you craft (no pun intended ;) avoiding obstacles.
To see new versions and updates about our game visit our twitter:
and our tumblr
Lenguaje: English
Craft a Raft
Craft a Raft
Craft a Raft
Comentarios 5
Ayuda de formato Ayuda de formato 380
DANILO MUMMOLO (Nivel 10) 2019-07-27
bellissima idea bravo
iamhere (Nivel 13) 2016-12-02
ahahahhahahahahahah very funny ! And amazing pixel art !! :) Is it original ?
sunfury (Nivel 4) 2016-08-24
Hey, thanks Jonathan and Staff for your interest, we've added some screenshots :)
Just notice it's a very old version of the game, that we made in a ludumdare jam.
We've kept updating it since then,
you can see it in our twitter:
or our tumblr:
Jonathan_Fish (Nivel 16) 2016-08-14
No screenshots? D:
Staff Verificada (Nivel 16) 2016-04-24
Please, add screenshots ;)
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