玩 TREX and Muscle SAM: ANK!

TREX and Muscle SAM: ANK!

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TREX_and_Muscle_SAM_A_New_Kickstart_DEMO.rar (109 MB)
The two protagonists, TREX and Muscle Sam, are the sons of two legends of the tag team wrestling working in the same company where their fathers had a fundamental role in its creation. Unlike their fathers, TREX and Sam are not very successful on the ring and don't have many fans.
语言: Italiano, English
TREX and Muscle SAM: ANK!
TREX and Muscle SAM: ANK!
TREX and Muscle SAM: ANK!
TREX and Muscle SAM: ANK!
TREX and Muscle SAM: ANK!
TREX and Muscle SAM: ANK!
评论 2
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Amir (等级 14) 2017-05-14
How did it go on kickstarter?
Marius (等级 14) 2016-02-23
He is back :D
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