玩 Quest Arrest 玩 </> 嵌入

Quest Arrest

984 玩家 -
The game follows the main protagonist, recently promoted, Detective Allison Bennett on her quest for clean up her city, Strange Meadows, after the recent crime spree that has thrown the city into chaos. Athena, and her gang, has been terrorizing the residents and has set her sights on taking over the city for herself.
语言: English
Quest Arrest
Quest Arrest
Quest Arrest
Quest Arrest
Quest Arrest
评论 3
格式帮助 格式帮助 380
TadHasGames (等级 8) 2021-02-11
I like the retro feel and game play, and its a neat game story.
RealTidus (等级 14) 2021-02-07
check out your description. after "CONTROLS FOR WEB PLAYER AND MOST EMULATORS:" i don't see the text
Eugor (等级 16) 2021-02-07
pokemon sprites...?
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