玩 Ancient Ruins

Ancient Ruins

318 玩家 - 1 位订阅者 位订阅者


Windows phone white 下载
AncientRuins.zip (19.9 MB)
Pegi16 Over 250 downloads
日发布: 2016年08月31日



This is my entry to the Ludum Dare 36 game jam #LDJAM. You're an adventurer who traveled to the ancient ruins to find the priceless treasure "The Witch's Eye". Beware, the ruins are plagued with traps to keep unwanted guests, and guess who wasn't on the invite list?
语言: English
Ancient Ruins
Ancient Ruins
Ancient Ruins
评论 2
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Fellowplayer (等级 23) 2018-01-05
Hey there, been a while since I last saw the game, were you able to add more to it since then?
Fellowplayer (等级 23) 2016-09-01
I don't know if it is me or not, but in this game I can not hear any sound at all. Is there sound?
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