Грати в ShipRekt Грати </> Вставка


62 Гравців - 7 Підписників Підписників
Опубліковано: 23/06/2020
Повна версія



A new take on the classic game of Battleship. Battle in pvp mode or 1 vs cpu. The objective is to sink all 5 of your opponents ships. In 1 vs cpu mode, you tell the game beforehand how many moves you think it will take to sink all 5 ships. This mode is optimized for future in game betting on https:www/betverse.io.
Мова: English
Що нового Що нового 1
Hey guys, check out this game I made to soon be featured on betverse.io
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Eugor (Рівень 16) 2020-07-14
a little bit repetitive
TyrionL (Рівень 14) 2020-06-24
can you add more screenshots?
cradth (Рівень 14) 2020-06-24
Please add more screenshots, at least, the one that show the gameplay. :)
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