Play Snake Online เล่น </> ฝังโค้ด


193 ผู้เล่น - 2 Subscribers Subscribers
The player controls a square on a bordered plane. As it moves forward, it leaves a trail behind, resembling a moving snake. The end of the trail is in a fixed position, so the snake continually gets longer as it moves. In another common scheme, the snake has a specific length, so there is a moving tail a fixed number of units away from the head. It's a very #classic game
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DiegoGramicciol ยืนยันแล้ว (เลเวล 18) 2022-09-12
How nostalgic, I want to thank you too for making this game!
JEntertaiment (เลเวล 11) 2020-10-30
Pretty classic and nostalgic game, thanks for make :3
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