เล่น LD 35: Shift and Run

LD 35: Shift and Run

317 ผู้เล่น - 2 Subscribers Subscribers
I hope you enjoy what I have to offer!
Unfortunately, their isn't any Win State.
Controls While holding the SPACEBAR:
UP Arrow/W Key: Jump
LEFT & RIGHT Arrows/A & W Keys: Move Left or Right
DOWN Arrow/S Key: Fall Down
You MUST hold the SPACEBAR in order to move!
ภาษา: English
LD 35: Shift and Run
LD 35: Shift and Run
LD 35: Shift and Run
Comments 4
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JEntertaiment (เลเวล 11) 2021-01-04
Simple and cool :3
Ura (เลเวล 8) 2016-09-27
very simple style... !
Jonathan_Fish (เลเวล 16) 2016-08-14
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