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Hammer Stone

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win64.zip (53,2 MB)
PEGI Over 500 downloads
I initially submitted for the Ludum Dare compo but decided I wanted to add a bit more polish so here is my jam submission
SPACE: Attack
Taal: English
Hammer Stone
Hammer Stone
Hammer Stone
Reacties 7
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Staff Geverifieerd (Level 16) 2016-10-14
Added a video gameplay about your game !
YouTube Gameplay
CUtet92 (Level 7) 2016-09-17
the webversion doesn't work. So I downloaded it. The design is very nice! Also the idea of the stones to launch and like the weight infuences your moves! Nice work !
Staff Geverifieerd (Level 16) 2016-09-09
Your game is in "Ludum Dare Games" Video :
YouTube Gameplay
Cange (Level 8) 2016-09-04
the html5 version doesn't work. I downloaded it. Nice work ! it's nice the idea of the stones. In the first moment I don't undestand how to use it. But then... very good ! Congratulations ! :D
Reim (Level 6) 2016-09-03
nice the idea of the game. to beat the "big ghost" i had spent a lot of time to undestand how to do it... is the run the only way ? XD it's also nice the idea of the weight of the stone ! very good game ! fuunny and graphically clear. The save points are perfect and also the music ! :D Greato job ! Good luck for the jam !
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