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Witches and Butchers

119 플레이어 - 11 구독자 구독자


모바일 친화적
A Retro Shoot 'em up game with RPG Elements!
Explore a fantasy world and defeat monsters to obtain ingredients so you can cook meals and eat them to get stronger!
언어: English
Witches and Butchers
Witches and Butchers
Witches and Butchers
Witches and Butchers
댓글 9
서식 도움 서식 도움 380
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gamefive 인증됨 (레벨 16) 2024-07-29
레트로 RPG 같아서 좋아요
Amir (레벨 14) 2024-07-18
is it your fist game? is it impossible. you mixed so many genres of game in a perfect way. easy to play and with an interesting gameplay. the dialogues are not too long, so you have a lot of action. Nice game
Coopa (레벨 10) 2024-07-01
somethime the background is a little bit confusing. But also because you are using a "retro" palette. But I like it! Still not completed, but i love how you mixed different kind of genres!
비디오 Witches and Butchers 비디오
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