Video Trilby: The Art Of Theft Video

Trilby: The Art Of Theft

630 Pemain -

Ben Croshaw

pc Unduh Unduh
PEGI Diatas 500 unduhan
Situs Web
Dipublikasikan tanggal: 15/07/2011


Adventure Game Studio

Trilby - The Art Of Theft. The Art of Theft is a mission-based stealth platformer, with an emphasis on gameplay over story. Your goal is to infiltrate a variety of buildings in Chapow City, steal loot, achieve objectives and get out again with the subtlety of a flickering shadow in a ninja outfit.
Bahasa: English
Trilby: The Art Of Theft
Trilby: The Art Of Theft
Trilby: The Art Of Theft
Trilby: The Art Of Theft
Trilby: The Art Of Theft
Trilby: The Art Of Theft
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CTGH (Tingkat 10) 2019-05-06
Very good
Freank Terverifikasi (Tingkat 18) 2013-06-13
<a href=\'
YouTube Gameplay' target=\'_blank\'>This game is in the Video - Indiegames - Promo # 3 -</a>
Destroya (Tingkat 7) 2012-11-05
Is really funny, gameplay is calibrated well, but i can\'t finish level 6! At the beginning i didn\'t expected a story line soo interesting. <br />Avoid cameras and guards, steal everything, 3 different levels of light and shadow... unlockable skills, all works good. Good work!
Freank Terverifikasi (Tingkat 18) 2011-12-06
<a href='
YouTube Gameplay' target='_blank'>This game is in the Video - Indiegames - Promo # 2 -</a>
Marius (Tingkat 15) 2011-11-30
Questo gioco è davvero eccezionale !! <br />Richiede molta attenzione e prontezza di riflessi :D <br />ma poi è coinvolgente ed è simpatico anche il fatto che l'autore ci abbia voluto inserire un pò di trama in più... cosa che spesso non si fa in molti action ! <br />Comunque è quasi più puzzle che action...
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