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Bilou Adventure

2603 Pemain -
android Unduh
Bilou.apk (35,9 MB)
Linux Unduh (23,6 MB)
pc Unduh (21,7 MB)
osx Unduh (24 MB)
Dipublikasikan tanggal: 07/05/2019



This is an early #WIP of my first godot engine project, a little platformer with a bilouting mushroom.
Bahasa: English
Bilou Adventure
Bilou Adventure
Komentar 10
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SalOen (Tingkat 9) 2024-12-01
A lot of players. What is your secret? It looks just like a regular platform game
JEntertaiment (Tingkat 11) 2021-10-21
Is a simple and very fun game. Good!
Domiz (Tingkat 5) 2021-05-21
can you improve your description? It is too short. I do not know why to download it and what is it. Is there a plot? is there an unique feature?
Gaarco (Tingkat 6) 2019-11-08
The assets are really good, and it's fun to play
Myrkvidr (Tingkat 14) 2019-09-22
very fun game
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