Pelaa TSA Trivia Jump 2.0 Pelaa </> Upottaa

TSA Trivia Jump 2.0

3311 Pelaajaa - 37 Tilaajaa Tilaajaa
Julkaistu: 26/02/2019



Walk, Jump, Run, and Have Some Fun with the difficultly fun Trivia Jump 2.0! Play as your box friend with a hat as you walk around dodging saws and spikes and answering questions, with a fun twist.
Developed for TSA Video Game Design.
Kieli: English
Uutuudet Uutuudet 7
Trivia Jump is now on coolmath games :O!
TSA Trivia Jump 2.0
TSA Trivia Jump 2.0
TSA Trivia Jump 2.0
Kommenttia 21
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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indie_lover (Taso 1) 2019-10-04
thats all i need to say
oh yeah and hitboxes
DANILO MUMMOLO (Taso 10) 2019-07-23
really very interesting
GreenGolia (Taso 8) 2019-07-02
nice game! the design is very easy but i think that this is the power of this platform. good luck
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