Pelaa the Whole World in Check Pelaa Pelaa </> Upottaa

the Whole World in Check

940 Pelaajaa -


pc Lataa (28,7 Mt)
Mobile Friendly
PEGI Over 750 downloads
the Whole World is in Check is a #Chess game but with...
#RPG elements like HP Bars and ATK, 8 different armies to choose from and a challenging Single Player Campaign
Kieli: English
the Whole World in Check
the Whole World in Check
the Whole World in Check
the Whole World in Check
the Whole World in Check
the Whole World in Check
Kommenttia 2
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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Yahoo (Taso 14) 2021-06-11
My 2cent is to select automatically the next scenario to play when you completed the previous (in Campaign mode). I completed the scenario 1 several time and then I discovered to click on the other areas of the map for the next scenario
Freank Vahvistettu (Taso 18) 2021-06-11
Just played! It is very funny! I love to play chess even if I am not a so good player. The design and the idea is good and original, but you have to improve the UI
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