Pelaa Mysterious Expedition

Mysterious Expedition

390 Pelaajaa -


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MysteriousExpedition.exe (2,31 Mt)
PEGI Over 250 downloads
Julkaistu: 02/09/2016



In Mysterious Expedition you control three discoverers who need to find the entrance to a mysterious temple.
The battle is an action turn-based rpg style. #LDJAM
Kieli: Portugues
Mysterious Expedition
Kommenttia 3
Muotoiluapu Muotoiluapu 380
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CTGH (Taso 10) 2019-03-11
simple but good
RealTidus (Taso 14) 2017-06-15
Wow! No news about this game? Will you continue it? Are you doing other games like this?
Ura (Taso 8) 2016-09-27
can you add a gameplay about it ?
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