Videot Fleshforward Videot


1620 Pelaajaa - 36 Tilaajaa Tilaajaa
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FleshforwardDEMO2.0.rar (93,6 Mt)
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Fleshforward_demo_Hellen_finalversion.rar (96,7 Mt)
Prepare to enter again the world of old-school survival horror games with Fleshforward. This first demo explores the beginning of the game and the player can try a lot of features. Action combat, stealth system and a glimpse of the main campaign from the first game made by the Italian indie team Linked Rooms Games!
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Kieli: English
Uutuudet Uutuudet 2
Fleshforward demo: Not a Good Girl is finally ready! Let us have your feedback ;) Want to chat with Fleshforward developers? Join our Discord chat!
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Gaarco (Taso 6) 2019-11-04
I really love the atmosphere this game invokes, it's promising.
In my opinion you should add a strong story behind, which the player will discover by looking around (for example on newspapers etc), take care also of the sounds in the game, like a good suspense music in background, more diversity between the sounds of the zombies, sound of steps...
Work on it because it's good!
MikeWade (Taso 4) 2018-04-08
Hey ciao @Ally! Guarda la prima puntata del mio show! Si è parlato del tuo gioco!
Luis (Taso 17) 2018-01-21
the lights, the dialogues and the scenes are very very nice. At first it looks like a platform game, but when you see that can shoot just few bullets, you undestand that it's a stealth game. A still not see the "survival elements", but this is very interesting. I follow and I hope to play soon a new demo.
Naldo (Taso 8) 2017-12-19
Interesting mechanics with weapons, you can add some new features with that.
Magnus C (Taso 10) 2017-10-11
great stealt game. It has a nice plot and the dialogues are perfect! also the animations are great! I will follow you!
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