DarkStory Online DarkStory Online BraveWolf
Pelaajaa: 524
Tilaajaa: 91

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Kommenttia 31

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kalindor (Taso 13) 2020-06-04
are the artworks made by the same artist? I noted a lot of different styles. Just my impression? So, the game is incredibly good. How many players online every day?
TheBeast (Taso 10) 2020-03-16
Add new fantasy pet to use also during the battles, please!
Sdino (Taso 9) 2020-02-24
I love the new Newspaper features!
Deneris (Taso 17) 2020-01-26
La cosa che adoro di questo gioco e che continua sempre a migliorarsi ogni settimana con nuovi aggiornamenti. Spero che presto venga rilasciata anche la versione del gioco in italiano
Brim (Taso 11) 2020-01-01
I'm very curious to see the new features that will be released this new year! This game is continuously updated and improved!no love it!
JawsOP (Taso 10) 2019-11-09
Congratulations for your anniversary!
where_is_love (Taso 11) 2019-08-20
about your last question (resolution) in the news area, can you post an image after/before?
DiesIrae (Taso 10) 2019-08-13
every week updates. this is passion!
Staff Vahvistettu (Taso 16) 2019-08-12
Check out your email sometime ;)
TenTen92 (Taso 10) 2019-04-16
how many signed players? it looks very interesting
where_is_love (Taso 11) 2019-03-23
every day something new! I love your passion!
Boruto (Taso 6) 2019-02-09
the map is becaming H-U-G-E
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