Juega a Scouting Scouts

Scouting Scouts

706 Jugadores - 5 Suscriptores Suscriptores
In this minigame developed for the NoMoreSweden game Jam, four little scouts compete decide who's the best! Run, jump, shoot and evade the bombs that the totem trows at you! Completing a full run around the screen gives you 100 points, the first to reach 300 wins!
Lenguaje: Italiano
Scouting Scouts
Scouting Scouts
Scouting Scouts
Scouting Scouts
Scouting Scouts
Comentarios 6
Ayuda de formato Ayuda de formato 380
vinstriano (Nivel 10) 2019-06-22
Coool game
KnightRider (Nivel 7) 2019-03-02
nice pixel art!
Jonathan_Fish (Nivel 16) 2016-08-17
replace the link, please...
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