Astral Heroes Astral Heroes Apus Software
Jugadores: 401
Suscriptores: 44

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Comentarios 43

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Reofloor (Nivel 10) 2021-03-31
Должен сказать, это очень мило.
Soulrender (Nivel 12) 2020-01-04
I'm not into card games, but art, music indicates it's pretty decent game. :)
I'm giving sub and maybe my taste in games change :) Good luck gentelmen.
Songoku (Nivel 10) 2019-12-18
Always the same cards. Update it, please
Fry2 (Nivel 12) 2018-09-26
Why did you say "new cards". Probably just 5 new cards. Please
Luis (Nivel 17) 2018-01-21
I played this game. it was made in Russia. But the team did not update it, so i removed it. Are there many players?
the ugly truth (Nivel 11) 2017-03-12
... always the same cards...?
Zsteel (Nivel 9) 2017-01-08
how is going on steam?
xMaurx (Nivel 9) 2016-11-14
very nice work ! it's huge ! When new cards ?
CapZero88 (Nivel 12) 2016-11-08
great game and arts ! But few download and few cards D:
Stre93 (Nivel 14) 2016-11-03
Eine Mischung aus Magic the Gathering und Heart Stone.
geod_3 (Nivel 10) 2016-10-08
only 52 downloads ? O.o
Branir Rocos (Nivel 9) 2016-10-05
I played with 3 dragons in my deck... and I played it during a game in a quest... but the mission is still blocked D:
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