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Heroes of Lowrez

822 Players - 4 Subscribers Subscribers
Turn-based, low resolution (64x64) strategy.
An evil warlock is settled nearby. No one feels safe now. You need to get some gold, assemble a team, get even more gold and fight the villain in the final battle.
Your progress gets auto-saved before battles, so feel free to lose.
Language: English
Heroes of Lowrez
Heroes of Lowrez
Heroes of Lowrez
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Yahoo (Level 13) 2024-05-31
I played Chicken Crush so I checked your profile to try also your other game. Yes. It is good. Nice. Not so easy to understand how to play it during the first minutes. Not so good as Chicken Crush. The assets are not so great. Good but not great. 3/5
lucyinthespace (Level 15) 2021-08-24
Another interesting game made using defold! Did you already play Witchcraft?
Staff Verified (Level 16) 2021-08-23
improve your description and add also other screenshots
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