Bruce, the escaping ant Bruce, the escaping ant Nonamefornowsoft
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gamefive Verified (Level 16) 2021-01-18
There is a unique fun. How do you use the 'e' key?
krustykrasty (Level 4) 2016-12-19
nice, but very difficult. you could spend some more time with level design, in order to give the player a chance to learn progressively how to interact with game's environment..
betterdead (Level 3) 2016-12-19
xX-Grove-Xx (Level 6) 2016-12-19
Short and funny! Nice puzzles! Improve the animation when he dies. It's totally different from the style of the game :P
Mosul (Level 8) 2016-12-16
add the hashtag #LDJAM :P
Staff Verified (Level 16) 2016-12-16
Improve your description :)
iamhere (Level 13) 2016-12-14
Is It a ludum dare game ? :)
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