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lucyinthespace (Επίπεδο 15) 2020-11-27
Did you add something new?
ThePresident (Επίπεδο 9) 2020-11-04
You should add bonus and malus. For example extra points (bonus) if you make several consecutive perfect match!
franco999 (Επίπεδο 14) 2020-11-01
La grafica è qualcosa di spettacolare! Come anche le animazioni! Troppo simpatiche! Suoni perfetti e menù chiarissimi! Ho giocato ma non mi ha inviato il punteggio online, è normale? Aumenterei un po'la difficoltà pian piano che si va avanti con traiettorie diverse e maggiore velocità!
indiexpo Addons (Επίπεδο 13) 2020-09-13
You can find this game also on our new extension / #addon on your own Browser. -
- Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/free-games/gechcfjojodafcpggkekfkkfpjacenno
- Opera: https://addons.opera.com/extensions/details/free-games-2/
Click and Play!
JawsOP (Επίπεδο 10) 2020-07-12
Very good. Easy to play, fast, good pixel art! This can be the next Flappy bird game!
JawsOP (Επίπεδο 10) 2020-06-23
What is the difference between the several skins?
Freank Επαληθεύτηκε (Επίπεδο 18) 2020-06-20
Finalmente sei riuscito a implementare la classifica! Grande mossa! Ora ti consiglio di seguire il consiglio di @Mykvidr e gli altri ed inserire sia bonus che malus, livelli variabili e difficoltà crescente! Può diventare davvero un casual game accattivante!

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Popsan Angel (Επίπεδο 13) 2020-06-17
The idea is nice and the design is good. But you should add more "extra points" features or malus. But a very good start!
Myrkvidr (Επίπεδο 14) 2020-06-16
honestly, it was fun for a minute and then it got real repetitive. i kept going and waiting for something different to happen
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