Hi in-d gaming, if you change the controls in the main menu (using the arrows and no the mouse), you can add the indiepad support for this game :) so you and your players will have a new way to play Altruism! Using your/their smartphone like a gamepad! Try it ;)
improve your style. The design and the idea are nice... but the grapichs is too home-made. Try to find free asset in 2D to use ! This can be a very nice game !
i'm blocked. Now i can transform also the pink chara, so i put her in the corner. Now the blue chara can jump on her and go on. But when he meets the flames is blocked... and i can't move the pink chara... because she can't jump alone. And if i kill the blue chara... he appears with the pink... and the story is the same... >.< So the gameplay is nice. You should improve che graphics. It remembers me this game : summerland