Відео Platform Builder Відео

Platform Builder

415 Гравців - 15 Підписників Підписників
Notice This is a free demo for Platform Builder. Not all features are included.
Platform Builder Standard is a powerful yet simple #toolkit for creating unique and fun #Platformer games! You are in command to design your own character, levels, overworlds, enemies, title screen, and more.
Available for Windows computers.
Мова: English  
Що нового: 8
Exciting News! Platform Builder has been updated to 2.0! There are many great new features that I'm sure you will enjoy!
Platform Builder
Platform Builder
Platform Builder
Коментарів 21
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CGM_games (Рівень 2) 2019-05-23
I've been using Platform Builder for over a year, and its perfect for casually making a game, to making a Super Mario World grade level game. If you get used to it's amazing features, you'll be able to make quite a wealth of imagination come to life, without ever needing to learn a single line of code! As a fellow PB user puts it, "Platform Builder is as advertised, and more!"
franco999 (Рівень 14) 2017-11-01
When you create a new game, you should select: rgp/ platform. And to start with a first "template map". So it will be very easy to use!
onebullet55 (Рівень 10) 2017-10-23
It's very easy to use. But very few features. But it's a very huge work! Add a way to export the game in html5, please.
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