Daedalus Daedalus CursedLantern
Manlalaro: 30
Subscribers: 4

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We have just released a new version (0.0.3a) that features a 2-player online #multiplayer mode, so now you can challenge the maze together with a friend.
We are really curious to know your opinion on this new mode and we want to further improve the game, but we need your valuable feedback to do so. Join us on our Discord server and share your experience.
A shared gaming experience is always more fun, so invite your friends to join us in the maze as well. We are eager to hear what you think and improve the game together!
We don't have a definitive roadmap yet, but we have some ideas that we would like to share with you:
- New puzzles with a mini-game setup to make them more interactive and enjoyable.
- The ability to revive fallen players with specific potions that can be obtained during the game.
- Random power-ups in the game, including various items like energy drinks and invisibility cloaks.
- Daedalus coins (obtainable by escaping the maze, not quitting :) ) that will allow you to win enhanced power-ups.
- Increasing the number of players to 4 (for this, we need a solid testing base for 2-player matches).
Don't hesitate and start exploring the maze with your friends.
Thanks from the Daedalus team :)

Hello everyone.
We are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of the alpha version of Daedalus: You Have Been Chosen. We would like to share some information with you about what to expect from this initial release and what we have planned for the future.
The game already features solid mechanics that we are eager to have players experience. We are truly curious to hear your thoughts and receive your feedback on how we can improve the gameplay and what additions you would like to see in the future.
In the alpha version, the game will be focused on single-player mode. The multiplayer mode will be available in subsequent releases, as we need more time to thoroughly test it and add specific features that are not present in the single-player mode. You'll have to patiently wait to discover what those features are.
Currently, you can choose from three different map sizes: small, medium, and large. The large map size is primarily designed for multiplayer, but there's nothing stopping you from tackling it on your own if you dare. The character selection feature will not be available yet, but it will be implemented in the future.
There is a limited number of puzzles in the game at the moment, but rest assured that we will be adding many more with each new release. As for the monster, there is currently only one, but in future versions of the game, the number of creatures hunting you in the labyrinth will increase. Just be a little patient.
We want to emphasize that the game is still in the alpha stage, and many features will be implemented and improved during the development process. For example, the audio department still requires a lot of work to be completed, but we are doing our best to provide you with an immersive experience.
On our website and within the game you will find the link to our Discord channel.
In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the single-player mode and eagerly await the opportunity to play with your friends.
Thank you all for your support, and stay tuned for further updates.

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