Leafy Moon Leafy Moon Lavender Tree Games
Players: 395
Subscribers: 16

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Pc white 다운로드
Leafy_Moon_Demo.zip (17.3메가바이트)
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Leafy_Moon_-_demo.zip (18.7메가바이트)

댓글 9

서식 도움 서식 도움 380
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Kira (레벨 10) 2021-02-06
Any news? Is there the full version?
Karma (레벨 13) 2018-09-25
Nice platform game! It's easy to play, good animations, colorful and funny to play! Good work
TheBigShow (레벨 12) 2018-04-15
It looks like a perfect game for kids! Nice game!
Best IndieGames (레벨 18) 2018-04-09
This game is in the video about the Top 6 Best Indie Games of March 2018

YouTube Gameplay
CapZero88 (레벨 12) 2018-03-06
sooooooooooooooooooo cute!!
Fellowplayer (레벨 23) 2018-03-04
The art style looks pretty good in this one and the use of colours.
Popsan Angel (레벨 13) 2018-03-04
how long is this demo? How many levels?
lucyinthespace (레벨 15) 2018-03-04
oh, wow. An old style platform with a very cute design! This can be another best of the month!
Staff 인증됨 (레벨 16) 2018-03-04
Video fixed :)
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