वीडियो Vanellope SweetAdventures वीडियो

Vanellope SweetAdventures

377 खिलाड़ी - 6 सदस्य सदस्य
Release 31-March-2016
Vanellope Sweet Adventures is the game spin-off of Wreck-It Ralph (Movie). A game where Vanellope Von Schweetz is given by a dangerously sweet and digitized adventure to save Wreck-It Ralph (And also #PacMan, #Sonic and #Mario)from the Turbo's plan revenge.
भाषा: English
खबरे खबरे 1
ESP: Corrección en la disponibidad de sistema operativo, me había confundido con el icono actual de Windows, que resulta que aquí está clasificado como Windows Phone. ENG: Correction in the availability of operating systems, I had confused with the current Windows icon, it turns out that here is classified as Windows Phone.
Vanellope SweetAdventures
Vanellope SweetAdventures
Vanellope SweetAdventures
Vanellope SweetAdventures
Vanellope SweetAdventures
Vanellope SweetAdventures
टिप्पणियां 2
स्वरूपण मदद स्वरूपण मदद 380
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Heromerom (स्तर 12) 2017-02-13
Congratulations! You have a great game. Keep doing it and good luck!
The Crazy (स्तर 8) 2016-11-07
Did you realize also game in html5 ?
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