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स्वरूपण मदद स्वरूपण मदद 380
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Ryoku (Level 12) 2015-11-28
It's a wonderfull job. Cel shading everywhere. I quote Marius about the gameplay, but i like it.
Gatsu87 (Level 14) 2015-11-25
did you see this :
YouTube Gameplay ?
Marius (Level 14) 2015-11-21
Wow. Fantastic !! A very good idea !But about the gameplay, the attacks are too long (duration) and without an auto-cracking ... it's too hard to hit the enemie. :(
Then improve the "camera Moves"
Staff सत्यापित (Level 16) 2015-11-21
A GamePlay about this game will be uploaded on our YouTube Channel Soon. :)
Pokemon MMO 3D (Level 5) 2015-11-21
Hi, it's a Let's play of the old offline version (in French sry):

YouTube Gameplay
Currently the game is only popular in France and any let's play on the multiplayer version has been created.
Try it here : http://pokemon-mmo-3d.com/download.php ;)
Gatsu87 (Level 14) 2015-11-21
Ogm !! Can you show me a gameplay video?
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