Neko No Sentouki Neko No Sentouki Skredjun
खिलाड़ी: 78
सदस्य: 18

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Pc white डाउनलोड करें (275 MB)

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Hi everyone! I haven't checked the interactions here in a while. I honestly don't even remember which demo is uploaded to this site, since I started scripting the game with another program and so a lot of things have changed.
However the game is currently in the beta testing phase, we have managed to beta test around 55% of the game.

Buonasera gente! In questo post mi rivolgo al pubblico italiano.
Mancano ormai poche ore alla fine del Kickstarter relativo a Neko No Sentouki.
Se la demo vi è piaciuta e siete curiosi di saperne altro, mi raccomando di supportare il progetto con un pledge!
- Nel caso non poteste supportare economicamente il progetto, condividete più che potete! Grazie mille. :)
#visualnovel #kickstarter

Hi guys! I hope you are enjoing the demo.
I'm here only to remind you that If you are interested to play the full game, there's a Kickstarter to support!
Please consider to pledge if you are courious to know how the story of Aiko and Hikaru will going :)
#visualnovel #kickstarter

Hi guys! After playing the demo, consider filling out this survey.
Thank you very much! :)
-> <-

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