वीडियो Mr Man वीडियो

Mr Man

281 खिलाड़ी - 0 सदस्य सदस्य
को प्रकाशित: 25-05-2016

Point and Click


The Mr Man need to jump on top of missiles, in order to survive the attacks.
- Be careful when jumping on the tips of missiles they can be activated. They look dangerous. How many missiles can you survive ??
Let's see who survives longer? !!
** Get over your friends! Good game.
भाषा: English
Mr Man
Mr Man
Mr Man
टिप्पणियां 2
स्वरूपण मदद स्वरूपण मदद 380
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Fellowplayer (स्तर 23) 2018-01-05
Is the video link broken?
Jonathan_Fish (स्तर 16) 2016-08-14
Nice... But add more features. In a first moment it's interesting... But then it will became boring...
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