Bad Fall Bad Fall Bad Pad
بازیکن ها: 347
دنبال کننده ها: 2

Pc white Web white Linux white Osx white Android white Ios white Windows phone white Html5 white بارگیری External link
Pc white Web white Linux white Osx white Android white Ios white Windows phone white Html5 white بارگیری External link

نظر 2

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Jonathan Fish (مرحله 16) 2016-08-15
distance 1200 :D it's very nice ! bonus, malus... it's detailed very well ! Good work ! also the ux is perfect ! you can add also it here (in a zip) to play it easily and fastly. The sprite rocks ! :D
BigHero (مرحله 10) 2016-04-03
Nice game ! Even if the first art when you play the game is totaly different from the gameplay :P
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