Video Where is my family Video

Where is my family

588 Players - 6 Subscribers Subscribers


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Pegi16 Over 500 downloads
Help little Ben find his missing family and discover the reason by participating in a fascinating adventure. Meet several crazy characters and complete the adventure by helping him solve puzzles throughout the adventure.
Language: English, Francais
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Vous aimez les enquêtes et les jeux ne se prenant pas au sérieux ? Vous êtes grand amateur de jeux d’aventures point & click? Alors découvrez Where is my Family, ou l’histoire d’un enfant à la recherche de ses parents disparus. Retrouvez quelques clins d’œil aux classiques des grands jeux d’aventures. Mélanges d'énigmes logiques ou il vous faudra utiliser une clé pour...
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Where is my family
Where is my family
Where is my family
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Magnus C (Level 10) 2017-10-21
great updates! It looks totally different!
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