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RealTidus (Level 13) 2017-06-15
So strange
CapZero88 (Level 12) 2017-06-14
How many lies have you told today? The image here is the telling point for me. Because his fingers are crossed, I can assume the answer ITSELF is a lie. So here, I assume '0'.
Sekayo (Level 12) 2017-06-12
I know the code for PITFALL is in there as well, but can't be accessed.
DanGames (Level 6) 2017-06-11
It is the game shown in Mr. Robot?
Eugor (Level 15) 2017-06-11
I cant help but wonder if we're done with Land of Ecodelia after solving for the 'real' command...
Fry2 (Level 12) 2017-06-11
No one has confirmed if you can get different endings based on answers yet?
Stre93 (Level 14) 2017-06-11
Is this a new #bluewhale?
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