Heralds of the Order Heralds of the Order Archean Games
Players: 507
Subscribers: 19

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HeraldsOfTheOrder-DEMO.zip (41.1 MB)
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HeraldsOfTheOrder-DEMO.rar (39.2 MB)
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Heralds_Of_The_Order_DEMO_-_Mac.zip (71.1 MB)

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Kaen999 Verified (Level 19) 2019-12-06
When you gonna launch the complete game?
mayduavongts (Level 2) 2019-06-11
Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information! http://anthaison.vn/sp/may-dua-vong-tu-dong-ts/
Gesan (Level 11) 2019-01-13
few classes to use. I hope that with the next update you will add new elements
Multiverse (Level 6) 2019-01-04
is there a linux version?
RockMith (Level 9) 2018-12-15
very slow, but the idea is very nice and I like the places used
RalphW (Level 8) 2018-12-06
any news about this game? there are so few tactical games like this free to play :(
wearevenom (Level 12) 2018-10-09
congratulation! You have to stay in the homepage of the website!
Best IndieGames (Level 18) 2018-10-06
This game is in the video about the Top 6 Best Indie Games of September 2018

YouTube Gameplay
TheBigShow (Level 12) 2018-09-26
It looks an amazing game. But still few downloads to trust it
Fellowplayer (Level 23) 2018-09-26
Nice to see these style of turn-based games still go strong.
Karma (Level 13) 2018-09-25
Oh, a new strategic game! It's so rare to find this kind of games (cell made). A new competitor for @6EyesStudio XD
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