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Ga Ga Ball

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Pegi16 Over 2000 downloads
Gaga Ball is a game of survival. You must face off against 7 enemies and destroy them all to win. The colored side of the entity you control and the white sides of the enemies are immune to the ball. Protect your black side at all costs! Control yourself with WASD, the arrow keys, and space (or with your finger).
Language: English  
News: 1
The game was changed slightly on the main site,
Ga Ga Ball
Ga Ga Ball
Ga Ga Ball
Ga Ga Ball
Ga Ga Ball
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Brim (Level 11) 2019-12-31
Improve it. The design is good
DANILO MUMMOLO (Level 10) 2019-07-27
Alkatraz (Level 8) 2016-10-28
The design is nice... but it's very hard to play D: can you ad an easy mode ????
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