Video Black Paradox Video

Black Paradox

919 Players - 48 Subscribers Subscribers
Osx white Download (145 MB)
Pc white Download (139 MB)
Published on: 2018/07/13

Shoot em Up


Fast paced rogue-like shoot 'em up game with an amazing pixel art and Synth-Wave soundtrack. Play as Black Paradox, a fierce bounty hunter, and defeat the biggest criminal organization in space, The Hellraisers and its 7 leaders!
Language: Italiano
News News (2)
Do you love sales? we certainly do! From now until the end of the weekend Black Paradox iOS will be 75% off on the appstore! Don't have the game yet? Now's the time to get it! Get Black Paradox here: Join our Discord channel and ask/chat about Black Paradox!
Black Paradox
Black Paradox
Black Paradox
Black Paradox
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Zachurrate (Level 6) 2020-09-18

YouTube Gameplay
Loved my time with the demo so much I had to buy the game on my Switch. Very difficult but I imagine when I develop some skill for it the payoff will be worth the struggle.

YouTube Gameplay
LesGrossman (Level 12) 2020-07-30
100% vaporware and pixel art. Great assets but very hard to play
Deneris (Level 17) 2020-05-14
you selected language Italian, but it is also in English. #fix
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